
Hi, I'm Taryn. Welcome to Earth to Marsz!

👉 3 Mistakes that are Killing Your Productivity

Published almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

Did you have any idea that these three simple things are ruining your productivity?

1. Over scheduling yourself

I’m so guilty of trying to get a million and one things done in a day. Are you like this, too?

I soon realized that over scheduling myself quickly led to burnout, and I no longer had the energy to do the even the simplest task.

I now make a conscious effort to take things OFF my to-do list.


2. Not prioritizing tasks

Remember that not everything on your to-do list is a priority.

There are definitely things that can wait until tomorrow (or even the next week). My bestie and I have been implementing a “3-a-day goal list” that forces us to prioritize our daily tasks.

As it turned out, we had been spending a lot of time doing things that weren’t necessarily moving the needle forward.

This has been working for us, and I encourage you to try this system, too!


3. Failing to write your tasks down

If you’re someone who usually keeps a mental note of all of your tasks, try writing them down instead.

There’s something very powerful about seeing your tasks written out in front of you that gives you an extra push to be productive.

This also helps with accountability, because you can’t say that you forgot to do something if you have it written down.


Wishing you a productive and stress-free week, Reader!


Talk soon,






Hi, I'm Taryn. Welcome to Earth to Marsz!

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almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
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